Tuesday, March 19, 2013

My Vi Life: Tuesday

I went out on a limb today and actually took photos of myself at the gym. You can imagine to the extent of how not cool that felt, so hopefully the photos are appreciated! Well, if you already ready my Monday posting, you know my day has generally been starting around 7:30am and today was no different.

7:30am: Vi Mocha Frappuccino. I normally start my day with my Vi yogurt, but I thought I'd switch it up a little, just for you guys, plus it didn't feel like a "big" breakfast kind of day. Don't roll your eyes, yogurt and berries are surprisingly filling! Now, I will take a moment to say that the Vi Mocha Frappe is by far one of my favorites. So much so that I started buying decaf coffee to put in. I love the taste so much, but caffeine tends to give me the jitters. Since I, on occasion chug down two Vi coffee drinks a day, I figured it's best to stick with decaf unless there is a morning that it is absolutely necessary. Now, I'm going to try and stick to the good 'ol fashioned camera phone snap shots and since I did not take one this morning, I will not mislead you with a Googled image. Trust me when I say, this drink tastes nearly identical to the Starbucks mocha frappe you can purchase in stores. It has about the same amount of calories, but Starbucks is majorly lacking in protein and majorly spiked when it comes to the sugar count! I also....drumroll, please....add spinach to my frappe. Like I said, can't taste a thing and it gets me to my first serving of veggies and adds protein to my shake. Quick and easy: 3 ice cubes, 8oz soy milk, 2 scoops Vi, 1T instant coffee and 1T cocoa powder (or Vi's chocolate pack...which is what I used today) **my add ins** a handful of spinach and 1T of sugar free chocolate syrup. I'm a serious chocoholic. This may not be for everyone.

9:30am: While my oldest daughter was already out the door and my son had been up for awhile, our middle daughter decided to snooze as long as possible. So we didn't make it out the door until a little before 9:30. Before we headed out, I prepped my second Vi shake for the day so it would be ready and waiting for me after my workout. I decided I should probably add a bit of fruit to this one, so I went with the strawberry cheesecake. 8oz soy milk, 4 frozen strawberries, 1 Vi strawberry flavor packet, 1T sugar free cream cheese instant pudding and a handful of spinach. I do enjoy that it always stays nice and cold in my car!

This is about the time that I hit the gym. Since my arms and legs/butt were still sore from Turbo Kick on Monday, I decided I would just dedicate a day to my abs. With mild embarrassment, I had my husband, Tom help snap some photos of parts of my workout from today. I figured I would take a few photos of workout that people could easily do at home without gym equipment! Here goes nothing.

Step 1

Step 2

This is a plank variation that I figured could easily be done with the use of a chair or coffee table. While it may look quick and easy, it could be more difficult if you're not used to planks or even if you lack in upper body strength. Simply start with your feet resting on the bench and hold your body up with your arms on the floor. Make sure you are not arching your back down toward the floor or you are really going to feel some pain in your lower back. Really focus on using your ab muscle to keep your back strait. Don't over-compensate, however, and cause your butt to rise. That's not going to get you the results you're hoping for either. Then simply alternate between legs by bringing them toward the floor as seen in step two. I alternate legs 50 times for a total of 25 per leg. Again, if this is difficult for you, start where you can, even if it's just 5 per leg. I do recommend pushing slightly passed the point when you think you have nothing left to give. ;)

Step 1

Step 2

This could also be easily done on the floor with your arms flat at your side. Start with your back flat (do not arch your back. It will take away that control from your abs and could again, cause pain to the lower back) Using your arms only for support push upward toward the ceiling. As you get stronger, you will be able to push up even higher. I did my best to stop mid-way here so you could get an idea of what might be a reasonable beginning stage. These should be slow and controlled movements (like most moves) After you are up at step 2 slowly, lower yourself down back to step 1 BUT do NOT relax and feel to make sure that lower back isn't arching. I generally stop before my butt hits the bench/floor and then raise myself back up again. I do about 30 (2 sets of 15) of these most days. If I need a break, I will rest and just do some regular sit ups, get a drink or work another part of my body and come back to them. Some days I can polish them off in one sitting, but it can be tough, especially if you are doing them correctly. I also want to warn about your neck. You should feel no pressure in your neck or shoulders. If you are you may be bending too much or with too little ab control. It's not about the height in the beginning, it's about the control.

Step 1

Step 2

This is another plank variation. Planks are an awesome ab workout, even though they may take some getting used to. again, super important not to arch your back up or down. Feel the abs, tighten them to make sure they are doing their job. What I usually do with my planks is start with a regular plank (step 1) for 45 seconds to a minute and then alternate to each side (not pictured) I did recently see a good workout on Pinterest, that I recently added into the mix which is step 2. Alternating arms. Again, how long you are going to be able to go will depend greatly on the strength you already have. I usually do each side for 30 seconds and then finish off (step 1) with a 30 second regular plank. My form may not be the best to model in step 2 since I kept peeking at Tom to see if he was done or even attempting to take the picture. I think you can see my hair whipping back into form actually. My back should be flatter. You can see it's a little arched up on my right side. Not cool, Renee. Not cool. 

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Again...irritated with myself. Keep in mind I am doing these photos slowly, step by step rather than just continual motion like I would if I were actually working out. So let's critique me while I type here...Step 1 is pretty good as a starting point. I'm also using a weighted balance ball which makes it much tougher (I love it) You can find a stability ball just about anywhere these days, right around the ball park of $25. I definitely recommend having one at home, which I do! Anywho, onto Step 2. I look frigid here. Step 2 you should be using both your lower body (which I am) and upper body (which I'm not) to reach for that ball. After you do, slowly, with control work your way toward Step 3 except keep the form more like Step 1 (I've clearly started slacking in this last picture...bare with me folks) That ball should NOT touch the ground (I think I've got that covered) and neither should those legs (tsk, tsk) Do your best to keep them strait and hovering above the ground and then start the steps again in reverse. So once you have the ball above your head, bend your body at the middle to pass the ball from your hands to your feet and then lower back down to a stiff (Step 1) body, again, keeping ball, hands and feet off the floor. Not sure if that made sense and the photos are not the best example, but now I know to do better tomorrow! I do about 30 of these (3 sets of 10), which I think is possible for anyone, especially without a weighted ball. 
Step 1

Step 2

So Tom and I clearly need to work on our communication skills haha. I think this move is pretty self explanatory. Only peeve I have here with myself is that my neck is staring down in the second move. I should really keep that head up. When doing this remember to keep your arms in place, only your legs and that ball are doing the moving. 

10:30am: Finished up my ab workout for the day, which is when I started gulping down on that strawberry cheesecake I showed you earlier. My little man, Madden and I did some running around and then met up with Tom and Kaida back at home about 12:30pm.

12:30pm: Since I over-spent my money this month, I have really been trying to get creative with my meals and make the best with everything I can. So, for lunch today I opted to use last night's leftover chicken parmesan and make myself a pasta. I have been avoiding making alfredo like pastas because every recipe I had ever found really piled on the whipping cream and/or cream cheese. Well, recently, in my Pampered Chef recipe book I found an amazing recipe that used chicken broth with heavy whipping cream (and not nearly as much as I used to use!) I buy low sodium chicken broth anyway for other favorite recipes of mine, and it's almost always in my cupboard. I combined about 1 cup chicken broth with about 1/2 cup heavy whipping cream and 1 heaping tablespoon of garlic (not garlic salt) and set it to boil. Once it was boiling, I added a small amount of noodles and broke them in half and reduced the head to a simmer. While the noodles boiled I chopped up a cup of spinach very fine and re-heated my chicken parmesan pieces in the toaster oven. If you will remember from Monday's blog, I used bread crumbs, flax seed and REAL parmesan to make the coating for the chicken. After the noodles had softened, I added the spinach in with the noodle, broth, cream and garlic mixture. Speaking of garlic, I would like to clear up any mis-conceptions that people may have about it. Garlic bread put on with heaps of butter and cheese=not good for you. Garlic on it's own= good for you. They even make vitamins out of it for crying out loud. Here is a quick article I found about garlic and how the glass containers you can purchase in stores have been proven to be just as healthy as crushing the garlic at home (and less time consuming, I might add).


Tom also decided to contribute to the recipe part of my blog with his prepared lunch. He is super organized when it comes to meals and he makes them in bulk in advance. I don't do so good with routine and can't plan too far ahead because I tend to want different things on different days. His meal this week has been a chicken caesar salad wrap.
What we have here is chicken that was grilled in a skillet with 100% virgin olive oil with romaine lettuce sprinkled with parmesan cheese (I personally think he should go with all natural cheese...that's just me) and 1 tablespoon of caesar dressing wrapped up in a spinach tortilla. I'm getting hungry just looking at it. It's a salad on the go folks!

5:30pm: I'm going to just cut right to the chase here and get down to dinner. I admit this photo is not the best. I took it with my iPod rather than my phone since I was far too lazy to run upstairs and get it. Now, these waffles by no means are "healthy" but I will say they are far better for you than just sticking to a regular waffle recipe!

Tomorrow will be my daughter's 12th birthday and since she does a Vi shake in the morning (and is never too hungry for a big breakfast) I thought I would make her birthday waffles for dinner. Let me start this by saying all 3 of my children chowed these down. Here's what I did. I took about 1 full sweet potato, chopped it up and tossed it in the blender with 2 cups of unsweetened almond milk (30 calories) 1 egg, 2 egg whites (rather than 3 whole eggs) 1/4 cup 100% virgin olive oil and 1/4 cup apple sauce (rather than 1/2 vegetable oil) and blended it up. I then took the mix and added it to 2 cups flour and 1/2 cup ground flax seed (rather than 2 1/2 cups flour) 1tsp baking soda, 2 1/2 tsp baking powder and a dash of salt. Mixed them all together and poured that mixture right onto my waffle iron. I decided to be fun and make cinnamon roll waffles rather than just plain 'ol syrup. So the green stuff is actually a cream cheese icing (bad...all bad...) the pink is a little icing from a tube (all bad) with blue sprinkles and if you'll notice the brown, while this part of the recipe called for butter, brown sugar and cinnamon, I opted for olive oil, a little brown sugar and cinnamon. Side bar, cinnamon is also a very healthy option to sweeten up certain foods (maybe not in this case, but...) Now, had this been a normal occasion and I wanted to avoid syrup, I LOVE taking a tablespoon or two of honey and mixing it with cinnamon. It is absolutely delicious and honey and cinnamon both have added health benefits all in themselves. Maybe I'll touch on that another day. So, while these waffles aren't the most health conscious thing, it's pretty easy to make a few minor changes to add a little bit more of the "good stuff" in with the "junk." Let me take one more quick second to say that sweet potatoes are ALSO a very healthy vegetable and I'm so glad to hear that my daughter's school is substituting sweet potato fries in place of regular fries! It's all in the little steps, right?

My Vi Life: Monday

I'm sure most of you have heard about the weight loss craze sweeping the nation. Body by Visalus; better known as Vi. I will let you know right now a big part of my lifestyle change came in part, thanks to Visalus and it will be a big part of what you read in my blog. If you are also a Vi user, it might be a great way to see what meals you can plan along with your shakes as well as some different options for the shake mix!
Before I get going and there's no end in sight, I want to start with a bit of a back story. I started working out about 6 years ago soon after my husband and I had started dating. I loved it and while it changed my body and fitness, I did not stop my bad eating habbits. It wasn't until after the birth of my second child that I really started enjoying my vegetables. While I give him full credit, somehow, I can't be sure he was totally responsible for the change. I worked out during both of my pregnancies (I'm talking 120lbs squats at 8 months pregnant work out) I have never, ever, however, been a fan of running or any cardio that doesn't involve me shaking my groove thang.
I struggled to lose the last few vanity pounds of my baby weight and FINALLY after about a year of being coaxed into it, decided to give Visalus a try. My main reason, oddly enough, was not weight loss. The woman who signed me up told me about the enormous boost in energy that she had and I wanted every part of that. After trying to adapt to whatever new sleeping schedule my kids had decided to try out that week, staying up until midnight working from home and falling asleep reading my Bible (terrible, right?), I needed all the energy I could get my sleep deprived hands on. 
As arrogant as it may sound, I didn't think I needed Vi for fitness and was nervous about adding a protein shake to my diet. After 2 weeks of FORCING myself to suppliment 2 meals a day (breakfast and lunch) I really started noticing a difference. After about a month I had seen insane results, including the departure of my baby pooch whom I assumed had "set up camp" in my gut permanently. It was also about that time I decided, since I had lost the weight I wanted, and since I stay pretty consistantly with my workouts, I would start using Vi as a breakfast replacement (since I'm never all too hungry at 5, 6 or 7am) and an after workout meal. I started working on a 5-6 meal a day plan. I slowly began collecting information from various sources on different healthy food options and while I'm still working on it, here are some tips from what I've learned so far.
7:30am: Rise and shine.
The time change has actually caused my children to "sleep in" which is something I truly appreciate. I CRAVE my breakfast which consist of the following

1 cup fat free yogurt blended with 2 scoops of Vi -1 cup frozed raspberries. I blend them in the blender on the "ice chop" setting 1/4 cup Archer Farms granola, 2tablespoons ground flax seed (found in Target near the flour) and about 10 dark chocolate chips. Yes, 10. I am a chocoholic and dark chocolate is good for you, so there.
I could and would gladly eat this consistantly throuhgout my day but that would probably mean I'd wind up with none the next day, so I resist the urge. I'm even more excited after my husband, Tom told me this weekend that yogurt, flax seed and berries are all in the top 20 "power foods". Foods that are recommended for health and help build lean muscle! I have been telling him for months that he shold be eating flax seed and after he READS it somewhere, he decides to listen. Men, I tell ya.
This is by far a Vi meal that I highly suggest to people, especially if they are just getting started. It can be tough starting the shakes simply because, since we were infants we have learned to chew our meals and it can be a tough transition. Don't stress too much about the calorie count with this, although you could probably cut back on the granola and dark chocolate, but I know I'm sure not going to! This is such a great protein and fiber boost to start your day with and is actually highly recommended as a night time snack as well. Like I said earlier, I once read that it is actually good for you to have an ounce (or so) of dark chocolate every day. I found an article at fitday.com that explains some of the benefits to dark chocolate, in case that information peeked your interest.
8:30 a.m.: Before we head out the door to get to the gym, usually a bigger workout (with a 1 and a 2 year old) than the gym itself. Tom and I try to make sure our post-workout shakes are ready to go. I opted for the Vi Oreo Frappuccino this morning. 

3 ice cubes 1cup (8oz) organic soy milk bleded with 2 scoops of Vi, 1 heaping Tablespoon of Oreo pudding mix and 1 tablespoon instant decaf coffee. -Why decaf? There is no sneaky reason other than the fact that I LOVE the taste of Vi's coffee shakes. They are significantly less expensive than Caribou, with maybe 1/6 of the amount of calories.- To top off my shakes, even the coffee ones, I throw in a handful of spinach. No skimping there. It gives me my first serving of veggies for the day, plus a protein boost after a workout and you can't taste a thing!
9:30 a.m.: Arrived at the gym at the exact time my Turbo Kick class began. My husband offered to get the kids checked in to child care so I wouldn't be too painfully late. For those of you who haven't tried Turbo Kick, I highly suggest you give it a go, multiple times. A friend of mine recently posted to Facebook about what workouts work best for your body time and the look you are trying to accomplish. I was so thankful that she did! I try to constantly switch up my workouts so me (and my body) don't get bored and fall into a slump. I had just decided I should give Turbo Kick a try mainly because I might actually enjoy the cardio and after years of research on "how to get a butt" kicks have always been a big part of the suggestions I've found. Rather than flailing like an idiot by myself in the weight room, I figured it was best to do it with a group that were all doing that same thing. Anywho...back to the matter at hand, the article my friend had snapped a picture of said to avoid a "box like" stomach tone down on classes like pilates and yoga and start in with more cardio, full body, aerobic classes. I thought, PERFECT, I was planning on doing that anyway. This does NOT however, mean I will give up my pilates! No thank you to that! But we'll get more into that on Wednesday I'm sure!
Well, after 55 minutes (have to subtract my tardiness minutes) of non stop kicking, punching, twisting and jumping I was covered in sweat, exhausted and gasping for air. It was amazing. I also love that within hours, my butt said thank you through the pain I felt. Jessica Alba, I'm not...but still, I've got to look better than looking like I shoved a board down the back of my pants. 
I immediately limped my sweaty self over to my Vi shake and slurped that baby down like there was no tomorrow. I always found in strange that I consistantly choose coffee shakes for after a workout, but, what can I say, I love em. Now, I have actually found sense behind it! While my celebrity workout obsessed husband was Googling different foods, he stumbled upon the fun fact that coffee is actually a good thing to have prompltly after a workout!
There seem to be mixed reveiws as to whether or not this is actually true, but I did find this small tidbit on smallworldbeauty.com
"The researchers found that athletes who ingested caffeine with carbohydrate had 66 % more glycogen in their muscles four hours after finishing intense, glycogen-depleting exercise, compared to when they consumed carbohydrate alone."
12:30 p.m: It's a tough thing when the budget is tight and you're trying to eat healthy, but I do it gosh darnit. Thanks to St. Patty's Day I had some leftover green hollandaise sauce that I had used to make eggs benedict. So, I decided that would be my meal. I try to keep the protein going and don't stress to much about calories after a big workout as long as they are not empty (chips, candy etc) Instead of an English muffin, I used my wheat, round sandwich thin. These have come to be a bit of a "go to" food for me. They are significantly smaller than bread and they are whole wheat. Which has time and time again proven that it is far more beneficial to your health than white or refined breads. Next in line was a few thin slices of turkey ham, topped with a poached egg and egg whites. I thought I would give this a try. While poaching the egg itself I poured some instant egg whites in with it. These are a great thing to have on hand if they are all natural. Egg whites have less fat but are still a healthy option for you. BUT that doesn't mean you should skimp on the yolk! First of all, it's delisious, second, the yolk is packing protein and healthy fats. Like I said, I really don't stress about the fat content post workout (as long as I know it's ultimately a good fat.) I topped it off with 1 teaspoon of hollandaise sauce. I put it into a small bowl and mixed it with a few spinach leaves to give them a nice flavor coating. Spinach isn't normally a part of eggs benedict but I really try and get it in wherever I can! It's such a great power food and really doesn't have much of a taste to it. 

3:30 p.m.: SNACK TIME! I don't skimp on this special time of the day, just after (God willing) nap time. Today my kiddos nibbled on some whole weat apple and apricot Fig Newton bars while I had a Nature's Valley granola bar with...you guessed it...dark chocolate. A quick 80 calorie pick me up that curbs my cravings before dinner and most of the time, saves me money at the store. (Check for coupons people, I'm tellin' ya)
5:15 p.m.: Dinner is served. There are times that I stare blankly into my fridge because I have no idea what I'm going to whip up. Thankfully I landed on a delicious and nutritious baked chicken parmesan. Pretty simple really, chicken breast dipped in egg white and rolled in a mixture of bread crumbs, real parmesan cheese (I hate that fake stuff) Italian seasoning and ground flax seed, of course. Because I had smaller pieces of chicken I baked for only 7 minutes on each side at 400F. While they were baking I mixed some 100% virgin olive oil with some more parmesan and real garlic (not the salty shakers) and spread them across the wheat sandwhich thins and toasted them in the toaster oven. Olive oil is a great alternative for butter or margerine. It, like eggs, is a healthy fat which can actually help your body absorb the nutrients in your veggies. After the chicken was finished, I put them on the toasted thins, drizzled some organic spaghetti sauce  on top and then topped it all with...yup...chopped spinach. Seriously, the kids eat it too and it can easily weasle it's way into nearly any meal. 

After some running around, getting the kids to bed and finishing up the dishes, I made myself some of my newest favorite, guac! I have this vegetarian friend who I used to treat like she had a third eye. I mean, who gives up delicacies like BACON on purpose? I know find her incredibly helpful as far as her knowledge of the health benefits of beans, nuts, seeds and other things I can't even pronounce. Well, she, of course, would be the one to get me to take my first bite of guacamole. I had tasted avacados after my daughter was born and was turned off immediately. I hesitantly tasted her green concoction and found it absolutely delightful. So much so, that I couldn't stop eating it, which wasn't really a bad thing! I am now almost always stocked with avacados. Here's how she worked her magic: 1 avacaod, 1/2 tomato, 1 small or 1/2 large onion, 1-2 tablespoons garlic, 1 squeezed lime juice (yes, I use the stuff in the bright green bottle) and just a LITTLE of the guac mix. The packets claim to require 2 avacados and the whole bag! I have managed to make my most recent pack last for 4 different batches. It cuts back on the sodium intake hugely and still gives it that kick that I love. 
Speaking of sodium, did I mention I have had about 50oz of water today? Water is super important. Helps keep your body from holding onto that pesky water weight for one thing and for another, it fills me up during my meals which tend to stay pretty small. I do get bored of the "taste" of water and generally mix a glass with a flavor packet. They have so many different options these days and box of them is generally around $2. Our family is stocked up on them. We have a cute little tin bucket next to the fridge for easy access and a variety of options. 
Well, that's it. That was my day. I can't seem to imagine how anyone would find it interesting, but hopefully, it was beneficial!